President Kennedy:
I think, what we ought to do is, after this meeting this afternoon, we ought to meet tonight again at 6:00, consider these various proposals.In the meanwhile, we'll go ahead with this maximum, whatever is needed, from the flights. And in addition, we will...
I don't think we've got much time on these missiles. They may be...So it may be that we just have to. We can't wait 2 weeks while we're getting ready to roll. Maybe we just have to just take them out, and continue our other preparations if we decide to do that. That may be where we end up.
I think we ought to, beginning right now, be preparing to. Because that's what we're going to do anyway. We're certainly going to do number one. We're going to take out those missiles.
The questions will be whether, what I would describe as number two, which would be a general air strike. That we're not ready to say, but we should be in preparation for it.
The third is the general invasion. At least we're going to do number one. So it seems to me that we don't have to wait very long. We ought to be making those preparations.
Bundy: You want to be clear, Mr. President, whether we have definitely decided against a political track. I, myself, think we ought to work out a contingency on that.
Rusk: We'll develop both tracks.
President Kennedy: I think we ought to do the OAS [Organization of American States]. I think that's a waste of time. But I don't think we ought to do NATO.
We ought to just decide who we talk to, and how long ahead, and how many people, really, in the government.